SMK-490WX17 rack console with widescreen LCD monitor and 16 port console switch

Rack console with 16 port console switch and widescreen LCD monitor is a 1U rack mount keyboard, video, mouse drawer that lets you monitor rack mount servers using a single monitor, keyboard and mouse. The rack console features a 17 inch widescreen flip-up flat panel LCD monitor, pull-out keyboard tray and touchpad mouse. The integrated console switch supports hot-plugging and uses an On-Screen Display (OSD) interface and pushbuttons on the keyboard for accessing each attached computer.

Rack Console with 16-port Console Switch

SMK-490WX17 with Widescreen LCD Monitor and 16-port Keyboard, Video, Mouse Switch

rack console with 16 port console switch and 17 inch widescreen LCD monitor comes with 16 sets of KVM cables
  1. 16 KVM cables are included. Each 6-foot long cable consists of a DB-15 connector on the console side. Separate DB-15 VGA, 6-pin Mini-DIN keyboard and mouse connectors on computer side.
  2. AC/DC adapter power supply.